Since December marks the end of the year, I'm taking a look at the year as a whole rather than just the last month.
- Signed my first book deal
- Attended my daughter's first piano concert
- My daughter lost her first tooth
- My nephew was born
- Visited Seattle for the first time
- Reviewed 32 books
Magicsmith Book 1: A Drop of Magic- Spent most of 2018 in revision, but has become better for it. Should be published in 2019!
Magicsmith Book 2: Courting Darkness- Written in 2018, this book has already been through several iterations, and will likely go through several more before it's ready to hit the shelves.
The Price of Tomorrow - Written, edited, beta read, and queried... but not signed. From the agent feedback I got, I'm thinking the current market just isn't so good for a YA sci-fi book. I think I'm going to shelve this project for a little while and see how things develop outside my little bubble.
Magicsmith Book 3: Faerie Forged- Started writing Faerie Forged, but haven't gotten very far yet. This will be my major focus for the beginning of 2019. It's due to the publisher at the end of summer.
Other Projects: - I've been brainstorming / working on the pre-writing for a middle grade adventure for my daughter. I've taken a break from short story writing because I've been so busy with other projects lately, though I'd like to explore some short story ideas that have been bouncing around my head. I'll also be teaching a short story writing class at my daughter's school in February, so wish me luck with that! I'm hoping to get
Hannah edited in 2019, and probably it will get quite the overhaul after this long hiatus.
I honestly have no idea... Lots and lots.
One of my goals for 2018 was to read and review at least 30 books. That may not seem like a huge number to some of you, but piled on top of all the reading and assessing I was doing of my own writing, it was a substantial hurdle for me. I'm happy to report, that I was able to achieve that goal. :)
Here are a few of my favorite reads from 2018:
And here are some great books I read on the craft of writing:
On my TBR shelf: